Dmde 3.4.4 manual pdf
Dmde 3.4.4 manual pdf

dmde 3.4.4 manual pdf

After each conversation, you wiII hear a question about the conversation. PartA Directions: In Part A you will hear short conversations between two people. Do not turn the pages until you are told to do so. Do not take notes or write in your test book at any time. Answer all the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers you hear. TIme-approximately 35 minutes (including the reading of the directions for each part) In this section of the test, you wiII have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand conversations and talks in English. Si.nilar Sounds Prepositions Word Endings Irregular Verb Forms Word Pans Sentence Structure Simple Sentence Struclllre Compound Sentence Struclllre Complex Sentence Struclllre Written Expression Agreement and Parallel Structure Verbs and Nouns Pronouns and AdjectivesĬOMPLETE TEST 1: INTRODUCTORY LEVEL (Paper)ĬOMPLETE TEST 2: INTRODUCTORY LEVEL (Computer)ĪPPENDIXES APPEN'DIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX The Introductory Paragrdph The Supporting Paragraphs The Concluding ParagraphĮdit 6:\: 6B: 6C: SKILL 7: Edit 7A: 7B. :rOEFL ~KILL T9EFL TOEFL SKILL TOEFL TOEFL SKILL TOEFL TOEFL SKILL TOEFL TOEFLġ: Main Idea Questions EXERCISE 1 2: Stated Detail Questions EXERCISE 2 REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) 3: Find "Unstated" Details EXERCISE 3 REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-3) 4: Implied Detail Questions EXERCISE 4 REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-4) 5: Vocabulary in Context Questions EXERCISE 5' " REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-5) 6: "Where" Questions EXERCISE 6 REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-6) 7: Inserting Information EXERCISE 7 REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-7) SKILL TOEFL SKILL TOEFL TOEFL SKILL TOEFL. SKILL 18: Base Form Verbs after Modals TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 16-18) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-18) SKILL 19: Singular and Plural Nouns SKILL 20: Countable and Uncountable Nouns TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 19-20) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-20) SKILL 21: Subject and Object Pronouns SKILL 22: Possessives SKILL 23: Pronoun Reference TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 21-23) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-23) SKILL 24: Adjectives and Adverbs SKILL 25: Adjectives after Linking Verbs TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 24-25) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-25) THE WRITTEN EXPRESSION QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) SKILL 11: Agreement after Prepositional Phrases SKILL 12 Agreement after Expressions of Quantity SKILL 13: Agreement after Certain Words TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 11-13) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-13) SKILL 14: Parallel Structure with Coordinate Conjunctions SKILL 15: Parallel Structure with Paired Conjunctions TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 14-15) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-15) SKILL 16: Past Participles after Have SKILL 17: Present Participles or Past Participles after &ġ54 155 157 159 160 161 163 164 165 167 169 170 171 173. TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-4) SKILL 5: Coordinate Connectors SKILL 6: Adverb Clause Connectors TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 5-6) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-6) SKILL 7: Noun Clause Connectors SKILL 8: Noun Clause Connector/Subjects TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 7-8) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-8) SKILL 9: Adjective Clause Connectors SKILL 10: Adjective Clause Connector/Subjects TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 9-10) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-10)

dmde 3.4.4 manual pdf

THE STRUCTURE QUESTIONS (Paper and Computer) SKILL 1: Subjects and Verbs SKILL 2: Objects of Prepositions TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) SKILL 3: Present Participles SKILL 4: Past Participles TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 3-4). SKILL SKILL SKILL TOEFLġ4: Organization 15: Direct and Indirect Details 16: Visualization EXERCISE (Skills 14-16)ĪCADEMIC LECTURES (Computer) SKILL SKILL SKILL TOEFLġ7: Organization 18: Direct and Indirect Details 19: Visualization EXERCISE (Skills 17-19) LONG TALKS (Paper) SKILL SKILL SKILL TOEFLġ0: The Questions 1 I: The Topic 12: The Order of the Answers EXERCISE (Skills 10-12)ĬASUAL CONVERSATIONS (Computer) SKILL 13:ĪCADEMIC DISCUSSIONS (Computer). LONG CONVERSATIONS (Paper) SKILL SKILL SKILL TOEFLħ: The Questions 8: The Topic 9: The Order of the Answers EXERCISE (Skills 7-9) SKILL TOEFL SKILL TOEFL TOEFL SKILL TOEFL TOEFL SKILL TOEFL TOEFL SKILL TOEFL TOEFL SKILL TOEFL TOEFLġ: Restatements EXERCISE 1 2: Negatives EXERCISE 2 REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) 3: Suggestions EXERCISE 3 REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-3) 4: Passives EXERCISE 4 REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-4) 5: IVlID and Where EXERCISE 5 REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-5) 6: Agreement EXERCISE 6 REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-6)

Dmde 3.4.4 manual pdf